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glacial streams

About Avani Spa

Returning to the essence "of the earth"

spa stones in lake

The Elements of Avani

As the formative glaciers of ancient times sculpted our landscape, the elements of nature combined creating the home we know as Lake Geneva. The warmth from the sun caused the ice to retreat, the rich minerals of the earth were left in our fertile hills and valleys, the air was purified, and our lake was filled with the clear waters from springs left behind.

The elements of earth, air, fire and water are all intertwined in our past and our present. The balance of these elements puts us in sync with nature’s own equilibrium. By honoring the connection of nature, people and spirit, we are able to achieve a lasting well-being.

Avani Spa offers experiences inspired by the unique elements of our area, combining the highest quality products with classic traditions to uplift your spirit and restore your energy. 

Serenity and Wellness

From the moment you arrive, you will be immersed in a celebration for the body and senses. Wellness is a journey of body and mind and our facilities, environment and products work together to create an overall sense of restorative well-being.

Our oasis on the shore of Lake Geneva strives to renew your energy, improve your health, and reset your mind.

woman getting massage

Each element of Avani Spa, from facilities and products to services and rituals, works in harmony to provide the path to overall well-being. 

  1. Facilities
  2. Products

We ask that our guests assist in creating a relaxing and restorative environment for all of our patrons. Please refer to the link below for information you'll need before your arrival.

  1. Etiquette & Policies 